• info@scdkenya.org
  • +254 725 398966

We have made significant strides in improving the lives of individuals and communities

Notable achievements include:

  • Reaching farmers for banana plantation to address food security
  • Supporting youths to nature talents an example is the Red Eagles football club in Kakamega County with aim for sports for sustainability-planting of trees and life skill talks.
  • Planting trees to curb climate mitigation.
  • Providing mental health support to community members and conducting research over the same.
  • Facilitating access to healthcare for people.
  • Construction and equipping computer laboratory in St. Charles Koromaiti in Kakamega county.
what we do

Sustaining Lives

Health Care

Comprehensive Medical Care Providing quality health services to promote wellness and alleviate suffering


Empowering Minds Through Knowledge Transforming lives through quality education and lifelong learning

Food Insecurities

Combatting Hunger Together Ensuring everyone has access to nutritious food and a stable food supply


Empowering individuals with skills and mentorship to build businesses that generate long-term economic growth

Donate Today

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    Our efforts have led to measurable outcomes, such as improved computer literacy among secondary school students, access to clean drinking water, improved farming skills and climate change mitigation through tree planting

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